Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Staying the course....

I think everyone hits a time in their life when things become redundant. Whether it is in our job, where we live, starting a diet, or a new project of any kind. Most of the time, planning and prepping for a day or weekend is weeks or months in advance, and it is easy to lose focus every now and then because the goal is so far away. This happens in competition training as well...as it usually takes many, many weeks to prep for the stage. It is very easy to "forget" why those of us are doing what we do. For instance, I have been dieting and training for shows since January, and am coming up on my 5th competiton of this season. The summertime brings family get togethers, parties, festivals, concerts etc. that include food and drinks that I will not consume while training, not even as a cheat meal. I am going to admit that just a few weeks ago, I was on the brink of quitting. I hit a stall in my progress, not to mention that I was sick and tired of all the functions I have decided to avoid simply because I couldn't eat the food there, and I was very, very hungry. Day in, and day out of training, living alone and dieting just wore on me. I had worked so hard, and the fact that I wasn't seeing the results I wanted made me very angry. I was so very tempted to give up and go scrounch on pizza. And then, a family member of mine passed away unexpectedly. Although tormented with sadness, this tragedy made me realize how very blessed I am. I am able to live the lifstyle I live, and I have a big, caring family. It also brought the realization of how precious time is, and I decided, four weeks from my show, that I was going to toughen up and get over all the negative feelings I was feeling. Besides, as a teacher and a coach, I have made it my oath to be someone who inspires others, who helps others realize the possibilities they have in their ives. And then, a week later, I lost a young member of my high school volleyball team. This athlete's passing rocked my town...and me. Without a clue about how I was going to lead this group of young women through such a sorrowful situation left me numb, not to mention the fact that I was hurting tremendously for her family and friends. THis was two weeks from my show. I kept pushing, although my mind was fogged, as I was trying to stay afloat for my team. As I am now just ten days from my show, I know that despite life's trials, I have 'stayed the course'. In fact, I think that my training in and of itself has helped me do so. Exercise and eating clean does the body, mind and soul good. No matter what is going in your life, it is important to stay the course rather than letting it defeat you. Everyone has trials, everyone has excuses. It could be very easy to crawl in a hole and give up....but you would just stay down longer. Make adjustments, rather than excuses, and stay the course. This last week, I am relying a lot on that BeautyBurn, by BeautyFit for restful sleep...it helps a TON. BeautyFuel is my all-time staple for extra energy that has helped me push through those workouts despite any obstacle. In addition, I have added the full doses of BeautySlender for that extra kick of fat burn, and it helps me keep the muscle I've been able to carve throughout the summer. Next week, I plan to bring a package better than what I have brought in the past, and we'll see where the cards fall for me. My only Pro Qualifier of the year, I am excited to end this season on a good note, in hopes that the judges like me. If nothing else, I know I have stayed the course, never stopping, always pushing through the muck. Stay tuned for updates...T-10 days!