Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ten Days Out

Up to this point, my weight loss has been easy.  This week, however, work has been busy, been longer hours in the gym, and the wonderful (yeah right!) foot of snow that fell in my area of PA have left me a little frazzled.  I did not make the appropriate adjustments to my routine in order to keep my schedule flowing well, and that resulted in loads of stress!  I purchased Beauty Burn pm from to help me get a bit of rest during these last few weeks.  I knew that I would need to make sure I got proper rest at this critical time.  Using that product, I have gotten some of the most restful sleep I've had in a while.  Although, due to my maladjustment, I've only gotten 4-5 hours of sleep the last few days, which is not good.  I must try harder to get 7-8 hours of full rest so my body responds to my training.  Being so close, I am feeling the nerves.  I'm getting a little scared about the level of competition at this show, because it's going to be tough! 
Nonetheless, I always have fun no matter how I do, so I am going to focus on that.  It's about the journey, so I am going to make some time to de-stress and get excited, rather than fearful.  I'll let you know what stress-busters end up working for me!  See you soon, and train hard!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Building a support system

I mentioned in last week's post that I sort of, "hit a wall" with training after competing in back-to-back shows.  I tend to become very frustrated when I am tired, hungry and craving carbs, or even when I become ill.  I have such a competitive spirit that I really come down on myself as though I should be tougher than all that goes on around me.  Not that I shouldn't be 'tough', but I have to learn to be a bit easier on myself when I'm running a million miles a minute, and I should be able to do it all, right?  We as women tend to do that, and tend to 'bash' ourselves with negative self-talk, as though there is something wrong with us when we are, god forbid, tired after two intense training sessions per day and a full-time job. 

Then, I obsess and worry that I will not come in the way I should at showtime.  That is what went on through my mind all week as I felt my body slowing down and feeling worn.  Thank goodness that I was able to attend a training weekend with my team and coaches, who are incredibly supportive, positive and we all push each other to reach our best.  I had a fantastic weekend weekend of tough training, and definitely lost some bodyfat...which is my main weakness! 

I came home feeling strong and incredibly appreciative that I am able to live this lifestyle.  Although I live in an area where not many people live or understand my lifestyle, I have a fantastic support system with teammates.  A few of my closest friends and I keep in close, constant contact.  When we're tired, cranky, or having cravings we'll text and help each other through.  I am so grateful to have this full team of women who share my passion.  In addition to that, my family supports me so much.  I could not do this without them.  My parents, brother, cousins and aunts and uncles have all been incredibly supportive, whether it's simply wishing me luck, or helping me cook my food, or do laundry during volleyball season when my days are non-stop.  This got me thinking that not everyone is so lucky.  Some people have told me of friends and family members who do not support them when they make an effort to change their lives for the better.  Whether out of jealousy, insecurity, fear, or lack of knowledge, some people simply will not accept certain things, unfortunately.  I experienced this when I started competing. However, I was lucky to have my team and family. 

So, this is what I am going to tell everyone reading this blog who may be making a change for the better in their lives.  I don't care if you are trying to compete, lose weight for health, or heck, even move into a new career.  When you follow your passions, find others who share them, so you have a system of support.  If it's tough at first, go to my athlete page, NPC Competitor Erica Vogt, inbox me and I"LL support you!  I would love to provide as much encouragement to our new ventures as I possibly can!  In fact, reply to this blog, or post to my athlete page and tell me what your passion is.  What are you doing about it?  What made you decide to finally GO FOR IT?  How do you feel about your choice?  And remember....those who aren't there for you during your struggle, don't get to share in your success!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Three days into Pitt Prep

Today I can say that I can definitely feel some need for recovery from back to back shows.  I trained HARD on Monday and Tuesday, and I gave myself off from cardio today as I am traveling to train with my team this weekend.  I am very much looking forward to seeing my good friends and coaches, and havin' a booty-kicking time to get a couple pounds of bodyfat off!  The timing couldn't be better!  One thing I need to do better for this Pitt Prep is to make sure I get enough sleep and stay stress free.  I just ordered a bottle of Beauty Burn from because it helps maintain a fast metabolism at night and fit sugar cravings, in addition to a restful sleep.  I will let you all know how it works!  As for now, I am about to head to bed to get that rest!  See you all in a couple of days!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Competition Prep

Tomorrow begins a four week training preparation for a competition that I have had my eye on for a while.  The NPC Pittsburgh Championships is one of the biggest and most recognized bodybuilding contests in the sport.  The event brings in a ton of vendors, IFBB Pros, a national panel of judges, and hundreds of NPC competitors hoping to be noticed in the industry. 
I earned 4th place in Figure B last May 2011.  This season I have my sights set to place a bit better.  I have spent a lot of time and money prepping, training, traveling and competing, and have finally mastered the art of healthy nutrition, as that is the key to seeing good results.  I will be posting my progress here and on my athlete page and invite you to follow me on my journey.  I would like to use this blog to help my followers learn how I did this, and hopefully inspire and motivate you to do the same!  I am here for YOU...if you have any questions, please post, reply and discuss!